Be sure to review the safety precautions at the bottom of this page BEFORE proceeding to the videos.

Please understand that you are voluntarily participating in the exercises and assume all responsibility for your safety.

Warm up (7 min)

Warm up, or cool down with Fascia moves and lightweights.

Great way to quickly rejuvenate your physiology during the day.

Desk Exercises for Joints, Connective Tissue, and Diaphragm Breathing (8 min)

The correct way to sit at your desk to maximize diaphragmatic breathing.

Sitting exercises for the knees and joints.

Connective tissue stretches that enhance mobility.

Rejuvenation during the workday.

 Safety precautions and injury prevention

Blissful Exercise by Barb emphasizes modifications and injury prevention techniques.

The following safety precautions are recommended for everyone taking this exercise program:

  • Wear comfortable and loose fitting clothes.

  • Do not exercise on a full stomach. Wait at least 2 hours after a full meal. A small snack of fruit prior to exercise is acceptable prior to exercise.

  • Your ‘at home exercise space’ should be carefully set up so that you have a clear area for movement, a comfortable mat for floorwork, and water for hydration.

  • Hydrate, drink water before and after each session. You can sip water during class (room temp).

  • We recommend that you obtain a physical exam from your Doctor and receive permission for cardiovascular exercise and resistance training.

  • Please notify your teacher via email with any injuries or health conditions before taking the class. 

  • Now that we are using video conferencing or Zoom (due to pandemic) we do not have the ability to observe your moves in the same way as in the classroom setting.

    It is imperative that you follow instructions for safety and injury prevention at all times.

    This program includes techniques for Ayurvedic exercise. We utilize special breathing, self referral, specific heart rates corresponding to age and Ayurveda. 

    If you do not know these principles, please watch the knowledge videos. One is located above on this page.

    The criteria for determining if this exercise program is working for you, is to see how you feel during the day.  You should be feeling more energy, bliss, stability, strength, clarity, increased productivity.

    Utilizing the Ayurvedic techniques of self referral are very important for maximum benefit.

Keep in mind that if you feel fatigue, you may be doing too much, too fast, too soon. 

Once again, please see your doctor for permission to take this program.